Milestone 2


  1. Set up a preliminary H2 database in your sparkdemo IntelliJ project. Use the console to execute some SQL CREATE TABLE statements, such as

    create table user
      ( id       int primary key auto_increment
      , username varchar(45)
      , joined   timestamp
  1. Also within the sparkdemo project, create a ListUsers class whose main method connects to the user table above and prints each username in reverse chronological order by the time they joined.

  2. Sign up for Twilio and attempt to obtain a phone number there for testing. (You shouldn’t have to provide a credit card.)

  3. Import the library com.twilio.sdk:twilio-java-sdk:6.2.0-edge into your sparkdemo project. Create a SmsSender class that sends a text message to your phone number. There is sample code at but you’ll have to plug in your own account ID, token, and phone numbers.