2 November

Birthday program, using input and comparisons

name_a = raw_input("Enter name of person 1: ")
name_b = raw_input("Enter name of person 2: ")

year_a = int(raw_input("Enter birth year of " + name_a + ": "))
month_a = int(raw_input("Enter birth month of " + name_a + ": "))
day_a = int(raw_input("Enter birth day of " + name_a + ": "))

year_b = int(raw_input("Enter birth year of " + name_b + ": "))
month_b = int(raw_input("Enter birth month of " + name_b + ": "))
day_b = int(raw_input("Enter birth day of " + name_b + ": "))

if year_a < year_b or (year_a == year_b and
(month_a < month_b or (month_a == month_b and
day_a < day_b))):
print name_a, "is older than", name_b
print name_b, "is older than", name_a

Guessing program, using random and a loop.

# Guessing game
# Chris League

import random

secret = random.randint(1,100)

print "I have a secret number."
guess = int(raw_input("Your guess: "))

while guess != secret: # not equal
distance = guess - secret
if distance < -15:
print "WOW that's WAY too low, man."
if distance < 0:
print "Too low."
if distance < 15:
print "Too high."
print "OH MAN you are HIGH."
guess = int(raw_input("Your guess: "))

print "You won!"

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