
Goals and objectives

Upon completion of this course, I expect that you will be able to…

  1. understand and follow basic algorithms.

  2. understand the mathematical and logical foundations of computing.

  3. understand the role of programming languages in software architecture.

  4. explain the key concepts of operating systems and computer networks.

  5. work with simple data models structured as tables and keys.

  6. exhibit awareness of professional organizations and technical opportunities.

  7. be inspired to attend computing seminars and workshops outside of classwork.

Assessment of learning

This course is part of a B.S. program in Computer Science. This section relates programmatic objectives with objectives and assessment instruments used in this course. At the completion of the B.S. program…


Students will demonstrate proficiency in basic algorithms and data structures. Introduced with course objective 1.


Students will understand the mathematical and logical foundations of computing. Introduced with course objective 2.


Students will master the fundamentals of programming languages and software architecture. Introduced with course objective 3.


Students will master the key concepts of operating systems and computer networks. Introduced with course objective 4.


Students will develop a data modeling design for a proposed database application. Introduced with course objective 5.


Students will exhibit awareness of professional organizations and technical opportunities. Introduced with course objective 6.


Students will attend seminars and workshops outside of classwork. Introduced with course objective 7.

Program objectives 1.2 and 2.1 are routinely assessed by scoring a selection of questions from students’ midterm exams in CS101.

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