Conditional statements and expressions

These are notes from 16 September.


// Convert F to C, based on user input
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    double temp_f;
    cout << "Enter temperature in F: ";
    cin >> temp_f;
    double temp_c;
    temp_c = (temp_f - 32) / 1.8;
    //temp_c = 9.0/5 * temp_f + 32;
    cout << temp_f << "F is " << temp_c << "C\n";
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Conditional statement:
    if(8 < 3)  // false: 8 is NOT less than 3
        // SKIP this body if condition was false
        cout << "Did this print?\n";
    cout << "Now this should print.\n";
    // Conditional expression: anything 
    // that produces a yes/no answer (Boolean)
    if(3 < 8)  // YES, 3 is less than 8
        // Execute the body, because condition was true
        cout << "That was true.\n";

    return 0;


// Compute area of a circle or a rectangle
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "Would you like the area of a:\n";
    cout << "  (1) circle\n";
    cout << "  (2) rectangle\n";
    cout << "Your choice: ";
    int choice;
    cin >> choice;
    if(choice > 2 || choice < 1)
        cout << "ERROR: please select 1 or 2.\n";
    if(choice == 1)
        cout << "Enter radius: ";
        double radius;
        cin >> radius;
        //cout << "Math library says PI=" << M_PI << "\n";
        double area = M_PI * radius * radius;
        cout << "Area of that circle is " << area << "\n";
    if(choice == 2)
        double width, height;
        cout << "Enter width: ";
        cin >> width;
        cout << "Enter height: ";
        cin >> height;
        double area = width * height;
        cout << "Rectangle has area " << area << "\n";
    return 0;


// Compute area of a circle or a rectangle
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x;
    cout << "Enter an integer: ";
    cin >> x;
    // Two precise alternatives: either one is true
    // or the other. Never both, never neither.
    if(x > 0) 
        cout << "positive\n";
    if(x <= 0) // Opposite of greater than is
    {           // Less-than-or-equal-to
        cout << "not positive\n";
    if(x < 0)   // if-else statement
        cout << "negative";   
        cout << "non-negative";
    return 0;


// Compute area of a circle or a rectangle
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "Would you like the area of a:\n";
    cout << "  (1) circle\n";
    cout << "  (2) rectangle\n";
    cout << "Your choice: ";
    int choice;
    cin >> choice;
    if(choice == 1)
        cout << "Enter radius: ";
        double radius;
        cin >> radius;
        //cout << "Math library says PI=" << M_PI << "\n";
        double area = M_PI * radius * radius;
        cout << "Area of that circle is " << area << "\n";
    else if(choice == 2) // the if/else chain
        double width, height;
        cout << "Enter width: ";
        cin >> width;
        cout << "Enter height: ";
        cin >> height;
        double area = width * height;
        cout << "Rectangle has area " << area << "\n";
        cout << "Error: invalid choice.\n";
    return 0;