Milestone 4

due at midnight on   +125

Write a python program to do the value estimation for each state in a grid world as follows. What’s different about this world compared to the previous example is that there are finite (positive) rewards available.

  • It’s a 5x5 grid, but there’s a two-segment wall in the center.
  • A reward of -1 is assigned for bumping into a wall or the edge of the world.
  • There’s a treasure on the map. You get +5 reward for landing on the treasure. But then the treasure is consumed and cannot be used again.
  • There’s a goal position on the map. Once you reach the goal, any action stays there and has no reward. Since no further rewards can be earned, essentially the game is over.
  • You get +20 points for reaching the goal if you already grabbed the treasure, but no reward if you neglected the treasure.

The gridworld/ program in the repository is a good starting point, and there are some notes in gridworld/