Milestone 2


The goal of this milestone is to produce an ActivityDetail component of our travel/experience app (see the image at the bottom of the README on gitlab – we’re aiming to produce the middle screen).

Also, we will want to generate some sample data. So please produce a text file sample.json that contains an activity with at least the following fields:

{"latitude": 40.691379,
 "longitude": -73.982518,
 "title": "Dekalb Market Hall",
 "type": ["dining", "dessert"],
 "minPrice": 15.00,
 "avgPrice": 20.00,
 "timeNeededMinutes": 60,
 "mood": ["hungry", "casual"],
 "image": "",
 "description": "Bustling destination housing 40 food vendors, including old-school & new-school NYC names" 

Its syntax should be JSON format, readable by Javascript.

A Javascript object like the one above can be used as the props for your ActivityDetail component. You can see an example of passing a JSON object into a component in the JsonViewerApp and ActivityDetail modules in the cs164pub/demo repository.