Due Monday 15 October in class.
Read the pseudo-code below and answer the questions that follow.
step 1. let Y be X + 5
step 2. if Y > 0 then set X to Y * 2
step 3. set X to X * 3
step 4. output X
Here, C
refers to a sequence of variables (an array), and the notation C[I]
uses the value of I
to determine which C
to access.
step 1. set K to C[1]
step 2. set N to 1
step 3. set I to 2
step 4. if I > 7 then output N then K and stop
step 5. if C[I] = K then set N to N+1 and go to step 9
step 6. output N then K
step 7. set K to C[I]
step 8. set N to 1
step 9. set I to I+1
step 10. go back to step 4.
Below are the initial values of the array, and other variables you will use.
K :
N :
I :
C[1] : apple
C[2] : apple
C[3] : banana
C[4] : carrot
C[5] : carrot
C[6] : carrot
C[7] : date