To try these different demonstrations, rename functions so there’s exactly one called main
#include <iostream> // Essential I/O operations
#include <iomanip> // Used for some I/O operations, like setw below.
using namespace std;
// Justify numbers in a field of some width
int main()
int maxWidth = 9;
// What about justification of numbers (left vs right)
cout << setw(maxWidth) << 13 << endl;
cout.fill(' ');
cout << setw(maxWidth) << 7613 << endl;
cout << setw(maxWidth) << 881225 << endl;
return 0;
int tryVarsAndFormatting()
// Variables store values. The value assigned can change.
// Every variable has a type: int, float/double, char, string
float salary = 23586;
cout.setf(ios::fixed); // Enforce fixed-decimal notation
cout << "You make $" << salary << endl;
cout << "Congrats, you got a 20% raise!" << endl;
salary = salary * 1.2;
// cout.precision(2); // Switches to scientific notation: 2.8e+04
cout << "Now you make $" << salary << endl;
return 0;
// Our first program
int helloWorld()
cout << "Hello" << "world!" << endl;
cout << "This is a test";
cout << 5*11 << "\n";
return 0;