Assignment 6

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due Tue 15 Oct

module A06 where

{- For this assignment, we'll write some functions using the following
 tree data type, which stores elements at every node, and then uses an
 'Empty' constructor to represent the end of a branch.

data Tree a
  = Empty
  | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
  deriving Show

{- Here's an example balanced tree: corresponding to this
  crude ASCII diagram:

              /   \
             /     \
            /       \
          (b)       (d)
         /  \       /  \
        *   (c)   (e)   *
            / \   / \
           *   * *   *

t1 :: Tree Char
t1 = Branch 'a' (Branch 'b' Empty (Branch 'c' Empty Empty))
                (Branch 'd' (Branch 'e' Empty Empty) Empty)

{- TODO: this should determine the total number of data elements
   stored in a tree, so for t1 that would be 5.

treeSize :: Tree a -> Int
treeSize _ = 0

{- TODO: this should map a function over each element of a tree,
   keeping the same structure.

mapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapTree _ _ = error "TODO"

{- TODO: this converts a tree to a list of values, where "preorder"
   means the node should come BEFORE its left, and then its right. So
   for t1, that produces "abcde".

preOrderList :: Tree a -> [a]
preOrderList _ = []

{- TODO: same idea, but now "inorder" which means the left side comes
   first, then the current node, then the right side. So for t1, that
   produces "bcaed".

inOrderList :: Tree a -> [a]
inOrderList _ = []

{- TODO: height of a tree is the length of the longest path from root to
 an Empty node. (Empty itself has height zero.)

treeHeight :: Tree a -> Int
treeHeight _ = 0

data Direction = GoLeft | GoRight
  deriving Show

type Path = [Direction]

{- TODO: Finally, try to recreate the find function for this type of
  tree. It returns Just with a list of directions for getting to the
  requested value, or Nothing if it's not in the tree.

findInTree :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe Path
findInTree _ _ = Nothing