Assignment 10

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due Tue 26 Nov

module A10 where

import Test.QuickCheck

-- This will be a program to represent integers as strings of binary
-- digits, so this produces a single bit 0 or 1, depending on whether
-- the integer is even or odd.

bit :: Integer -> Char
bit k = if even k then '0' else '1'

-- Convert an integer to a string of bits. Give this a test! Here are
-- some working examples:
--   intToBinary 10 --> "1010"
--   intToBinary 15 --> "1111"
--   intToBinary 17 --> "10001"
--   intToBinary 18 --> "10010"

intToBinary :: Integer -> String
intToBinary k = reverse (loop k)
    loop 0 = []
    loop n = bit n : loop (n `div` 2)

-- Convert a string of bits to an integer, assuming it's well-formatted,
-- or Nothing if it's not a valid bit string.
--   binaryToInt "10010" --> Just 18
--   binaryToInt "1001101" --> Just 77
--   binaryToInt "z100 10" --> Nothing

binaryToInt :: String -> Maybe Integer
binaryToInt str = loop 1 (reverse str)
    loop _ [] = Just 0
    loop k (b:bs) = do
      n <- loop (k*2) bs
      case b of
        '0' -> Just n
        '1' -> Just (k+n)
        _ -> Nothing

-- Here's a QuickCheck property for starting with an integer and doing
-- a round-trip to binary. The triple-equals (===) tests equality, but
-- also allows QuickCheck to print both sides whenever there's a
-- failure. Run it like this:
--   λ> quickCheck toBinaryRoundTrip
--   +++ OK, passed 100 tests; 107 discarded.

toBinaryRoundTrip :: Integer -> Property
toBinaryRoundTrip i =
  i > 0 ==>
  binaryToInt (intToBinary i) === Just i

-- TODO #1: The precondition i > 0 in the above property is there
-- because the intToBinary actually fails on negative numbers. It
-- generates an infinite loop!
--   λ> intToBinary (-4)
--   "Interrupted.           -- I had to hit Control-C
-- So try to fix intToBinary to do something reasonable for negative
-- numbers. We're not going to attempt to do a two's-complement
-- representation, but instead we'll just prefix the string with a
-- minus sign. So here's what the correct behavior would look like:
--   λ> intToBinary (-4)
--   "-100"

-- TODO #2: Once negatives are fixed in intToBinary, you can comment
-- out the "i > 0 ==>" in the property. Then you should find that
-- quickCheck toBinaryRoundTrip generates negative numbers as
-- counter-examples:
--   λ> quickCheck toBinaryRoundTrip
--   *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 4 tests):
--   -1
--   Nothing /= Just (-1)
-- So the solution is to revise binaryToInt so that it can accept the
-- negative sign.

-- Next we have the QuickCheck property for starting from a string and
-- trying a round-trip. However, using this with the regular QuickCheck
-- means it will mostly try things that are not valid bit strings:
--   λ> quickCheck fromBinaryRoundTrip
--   *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests and 2 shrinks):
--   "a"
--   Nothing /= Just "a"

fromBinaryRoundTrip :: String -> Property
fromBinaryRoundTrip s =
  (intToBinary <$> binaryToInt s) === Just s

-- So here's a special string generator that only generates valid bit
-- strings. You can try it like this:
--   λ> sample genBits
--   "0"
--   "1"
--   "101"
--   "1000"
--   "100011101"
--   (etc)

genBits :: Gen String
genBits = fix . map bit <$> arbitrary
    fix [] = "0"
    fix ('0':s) = "10" ++ s
    fix s = s

-- The 'fix' function makes sure that the string isn't empty, and that
-- it doesn't start with leading zeroes (unless it's JUST 0).

-- TODO #3: You can run a test incorporating the genBits generator like
-- this:
--   λ> quickCheck (forAll genBits fromBinaryRoundTrip)
--   *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 1 test):
--   "0"
--   Just "" /= Just "0"
-- And you may find that it flags the string "0" as a counter-example!
-- The problem is that intToBinary 0 produces "" (the empty string)
-- rather than "0" as we had initially. Try to fix that!

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "TEST int <-> binary"
  quickCheck toBinaryRoundTrip
  putStrLn "TEST binary <-> int"
  quickCheck (forAll genBits fromBinaryRoundTrip)