Install Git – Windows

Git is a distributed version control tool used by many software developers. In this course, you will use it to submit your work. Using git, I can distribute recommended changes back to you, and our server will keep track of all versions of your work that it ever sees.

To get started, visit this link: and allow it to download the Git installer.

The illustrations on this page refer to Git 1.7.11 – your version may be newer, but the steps should be roughly the same.
Download git

Download git

Run the installer. All the default settings should be okay, although you can make changes in step 4 if you prefer that installers don’t pollute your desktop and quick launch bar with rarely-used icons.

Allow git to make changes

Allow git to make changes

Git setup step 1

Git setup step 1

Git setup step 2

Git setup step 2

Git setup step 3

Git setup step 3

Git setup step 4

Git setup step 4

Git setup step 5

Git setup step 5

Git setup step 6

Git setup step 6

Git setup step 7

Git setup step 7

Git setup step 8

Git setup step 8