Assignment 5

due at 23:59 on Wed 4 Apr

This assignment is about inter-process communication in GeekOS. To retrieve the files, just do a git pull as shown below, and the a5 folder should appear.

liucs:~$ cd ~/cs643
liucs:~/cs643$ git pull

We will implement four system calls for allowing integer variables to be shared between processes:

int Open_Shared_Var(const char *name, int value);
int Read_Shared_Var(int var);
void Write_Shared_Var(int var, int value);
void Close_Shared_Var(int var);

Shared variables have globally unique names, so cooperating processes just need to know the names of the variables they are sharing. The first time a process opens a shared variable with a particular name, the kernel will set aside some space for it and return a handle (an index into an array kept in kernel memory). Other processes that open the variable with the same name will receive a handle to the same variable. Writes to the variable by one process can be read by other processes.

The main system call implementation details have been done for you… you did something similar in the last assignment. Now you just must implement these system calls, in a5/src/geekos/syscall.c. Look for the SHARED VARIABLE IMPLEMENTATION comment in that file.

Each shared variable is represented in the kernel by the following structure:

struct Shared_Var
   bool  free;    /* is this var free, or in use?  */
   char* name;    /* what is name of this var? */
   int   refs;    /* how many processes reference it? */
   int   value;   /* current value of var */

The kernel has a global array of some fixed number of these variables available for use by processes:

#define MAX_SHARED_VARS 25
struct Shared_Var g_sharedVars[MAX_SHARED_VARS];

The shared variables are initialized by the function Init_SharedVars, which does something like this for each variable:

  g_sharedVars[i].free = true;
  g_sharedVars[i].name = NULL;
  g_sharedVars[i].refs = 0;
  g_sharedVars[i].value = 0;

Your task is to implement the four system calls. Open is the hardest, followed by close, then read and write. Below I have some detailed specifications for all of them.

There are two user-mode test programs you can use. Typing work at the shell prompt will run the two counter processes, to 180000 and 190000. So ideally we’d like the counter to reach 370000, but you will find that it comes well short of that, and varies on each run. We’ll get into that later. (Check a5/src/user/work.c to verify the numbers quoted above).

The other test program is called hello, and it should always produce the same output:

    $ hello 
    vc == 8
    vb == 10 
    va == 7 

Also, you can use Print() to help you figure out what’s going inside the system calls. Remember, it works just like printf in standard C, with percent codes like %d, %s, etc.


/* Open (and possibly create) a named shared variable.
 * Params:
 *   state->ebx: user pointer to string containing variable name
 *   state->ecx: length of variable name
 *   state->edx: initial value for variable (if it doesn't exist yet)
 * Returns:
 *   the index of the shared variable
static int Sys_OpenSharedVar(struct Interrupt_State* state)

One of the first things we need to do is copy the name string from user space to kernel space. Fortunately, there is a provided function for this, which makes it relatively easy:

  /* Copy name from user to kernel space */
  char* name = Malloc( state->ecx + 1 );
  Copy_From_User( name, state->ebx, state->ecx );
  name[state->ecx] = '\0';

Following that, there are two phases. First, we loop through all the shared variables in the array, looking for a variable with a matching name. The kernel provides a strcmp function to compare strings; it works just like in C:

    strcmp( s1, s2 ) == 0

means they are the same. If you find an existing shared variable with the desired name, just increment its refs field and return its index.

Otherwise, we need to create a variable with this name. Now we loop through the array again, just looking for a free variable (check the free flag in g_sharedVars[i]). Once you find a free variable, we have to initialize it. Set its free flag to false, initialize its name, set refs to 1, and set its initial value from state->edx.

If you don’t find any free variable, then we’re in trouble. But we’re not supporting proper error-handling at the moment, so just print an error message and return zero.


/* Read from a shared variable.
 * Params:
 *   state->ebx: index of the shared variable
 * Returns:
 *   the value of the shared variable
static int Sys_ReadSharedVar(struct Interrupt_State* state)

This is easy, just return the value of the indicated variable in the global array. You probably should do some sanity checking to make sure that state->ebx is within the bounds of the array, and that the indicated shared variable is not free. (It would be an error to read from a shared variable after it has been closed.)


/* Write to a shared variable.
 * Params:
 *   state->ebx: index of the shared variable
 *   state->ecx: its new value
 * Returns:
 *   always returns zero.
static int Sys_WriteSharedVar(struct Interrupt_State* state)

Almost as easy as reading the variable, but you set its new value from state->ecx and always return zero. You should do the same sanity checking as for the read.


/* Closes (and possibly deallocates) a shared variable.
 * Params:
 *   state->ebx: index of the shared variable
 * Returns:
 *   always returns zero.
static int Sys_CloseSharedVar(struct Interrupt_State* state)

Again, do sanity checks to make sure that state->ebx is a valid index, and indicates a variable that is not already freed. If everything is okay, then decrement the refs field. If refs reaches zero, it means that we’re the last process to close this shared variable, so we should deallocate it: Set free to true, set name to NULL and zero out the integer fields. This allows the shared variable location to be reused the next time we open one.


For full credit, you should be sure to Free() the name strings allocated with Malloc() in Sys_OpenSharedVar. But be careful! If the pointer gets copied into the g_sharedVars array, then we cannot free it until that shared variable is deallocated. Leave this until the end, because calling Free() in the wrong places can cause obscure and hard-to-trace bugs.

That’s it! Make sure your kernel compiles, and test it with the work and hello programs. Commit your changes before the deadline.

liucs:~/cs643/a4/build$ git commit -am "my assignment 5"
liucs:~/cs643/a4/build$ git push
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