
A check-in is just a weekly opportunity to score some points and ensure that you are keeping up with the course content. The requirements vary from week to week, but may involve responding to a survey, taking a brief online quiz, or participating in a discussion, or making some progress on an assignment. They are due by midnight on the designated day.

  1. +12
    • Follow the instructions in the software setup page in the notes. Use Piazza to ask questions if you encounter any problems.
  2. +12
    • Use the curl command to POST to, sending the POST data parameters name and score using -d. The name should be your first and last name, for example Chris+League. The score must be an integer greater than zero. It worked if it says something like “Thanks Chris League, your score has been recorded.”
    • Try it again, but this time use the Accept-Language header to get the response in a language other than English. Supported languages include Arabic, Chinese, Danish, German, Greek, Japanese, and Spanish.
    • Try it a third time, but this time, specify a non-number for the score (or omit the score parameter entirely). Note the response code from the server, and the error message.
  3. +12
    • Sketch a mock-up of a grid-based web page with at least a header and footer, and two or more columns. You may sketch on paper and then photograph or scan it, or sketch in a drawing program, but the result should be a standard image format: JPEG, PNG, or PDF. Submit by naming your file mock-page and saving it into your cs120 folder, committing, and pushing it to GitLab.
    • Use WebStorm to create a project called assn2-page in your cs120 folder, using the Project Type “Twitter Bootstrap.” The latest version of Bootstrap (probably 3.3.1) is fine. Commit and push this to GitLab as well.
  4. +12
    • Work through the flukeout game about CSS “selector” notation, at least through level 15. To get credit, take a screenshot of your solution to level 15, save it as flukeout.png in your cs120 folder, commit and push.
  5. +12
    • Work on the Codecademy Javascript tutorials, through the section on Functions. To get credit, take a screenshot of your percent-completed on that screen, save it as codecademy-js-1.png in your cs120 folder, commit and push.

      The percent-completed screen — these should show checkmarks

      The percent-completed screen — these should show checkmarks

    • The “getting started” section should go very fast, given your experience with C programming, but function syntax is a little different in Javascript. If you’d like to work further, the sections on for and while loops are mostly similar to C (but can’t hurt to review). The next section that’s substantially different is “Arrays and Objects in JS.”

  6. +12
    • Create a small web project named checkin6. You may use bootstrap or not, but the page should refer to an external Javascript file that you create. On the index.html page, create a text input and a drop-down for the user to type their name and select their favorite food. After making changes to these input elements, the page will say something like “Welcome Chris, I also like Hamburgers.” See the example below.

      Commit and push your updates, and write “checkin6” in the commit message. Hint: we covered how to use onclick and onkeypress handlers in class on Feb 23.

  7. +12
    • Nothing to do for this one.
  8. +12
    • Work through some of the tutorials at, especially the Basics and Manipulating the DOM.
  9. +12
    • Nothing extra to do.
  10. +12
    • Nothing extra to do.
  11. +12
    • Nothing extra to do.
  12. +12
    • Set up PyCharm and Django on your machine, as demonstrated in the Mac video from Apr 16 (see the blurb next to the broken Windows video for the differences).
  13. +12
    • TBD
  14. +12
    • TBD