Mon Feb 2 [1:42:34] on using curl to manage sessions, and intro to Twitter Bootstrap.
Mon Feb 9 [1:18:25] introduction to flukeout CSS-selectors, using Bootstrap to create tables, adding custom styles, using CSS without Bootstrap, Google fonts, CSS rules in the Chrome dev tools.
Wed Feb 11 [39:16] more detailed rules about CSS selectors, attributes, and syntax (without Bootstrap).
Wed Feb 18 [49:06] publishing your Webstorm project to a real server (on DigitalOcean), using Gitlab to manage changes. Minimal start on Javascript.
Mon Feb 23 [1:17:26] using the WebStorm code inspector, and starting to mix Javascript with the DOM.
Wed Feb 25 [1:02:03] review of Javascript/DOM from last time, and starting to use the Google Maps API.
Supplemental demonstration of assignment 3 [2:13]
Mon Mar 2 [52:25] review of Check-in 6, a few tips, more detail on Assignment 3.
Wed Mar 4 [39:34] help on assignment 3, introduction to deployment options such as S3 and an SFTP host.
Mon Mar 16 [1:22:50] reviewing my assignment 3 solution, JSON, and intro to jQuery.
Mon Mar 18 [1:21:01] auto-completion of a text field, more on JSON and AJAX, using jQuery’s getJSON function.
Supplemental demonstration of assignment 4 [9:32]
Mon Mar 23 [49:57] more of the parts necessary for assignment 4, including $.getJSON
, $.post
, and window.setInterval
Mon Mar 30 [49:03] surveying the client-side JS frameworks, like Angular, React, Ember, and Backbone.
Wed Apr 1 [1:23:25] building a small app in AngularJS, and looking at my solution to A4.
Mon Apr 6 [39:39] reviewing AngularJS app, HTML tables with bootstrap, and expectations for A5.
Wed Apr 8 [27:01] failed attempt to implement a date picker, plus some review of setting up AngularJS and NodeJS.
Wed Apr 15 [44:03] sorting a table in AngularJS using $filter
, and preliminary intro to next unit on server-side programming.
Thu Apr 16 (Win) [30:02] setting up PyCharm and Django on Windows — broken audio, just install Python 3 first, and then follow the same code setup as the Mac video. However, on the Mac when we run python SOMETHING
in the terminal, replace that with .\ SOMETHING
when using Windows terminal.
Thu Apr 16 (Mac) [15:38] setting up PyCharm and Django on the Mac.
Mon Apr 20 [1:01:34] on the basics of Django, for assignment 6.
Mon Apr 20 (addendum) [5:07] addendum on fixing the templates problem we had in class.
Wed Apr 22 [1:28:57] on using templates, the Django ORM for accessing the database, and foreign keys.
Wed Apr 27 [52:54] reviewing Django, uploading files, and template inheritance.
Mon May 4 [37:15] A look at automated web testing with Selenium, and expectations on the take-home final.