Integration / versioning / deployment

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Waterfall integration

  • Each developer would work on the code independently
    • Alice has a copy of the code, she’s trying to add a new authentication mechanism.
    • Bob has a separate copy of the code, he’s trying to fix bugs reported in a previous version
    • Charlie has a third copy of the code, he’s trying to add a reporting mechanism.
  • After our 3 devs finish their independent changes, they need to merge them together into the main product. This merge is called “integration”.
  • Difficulty of integration depends on:
    • How extensive the changes are
    • How much they changes overlap or conflict
    • Both of those are related to how long the changes took.
    • Easier to integrate if we’ve been working independently for a short time (hours or days) than for a long time (weeks or months).
  • If last integration was a long time ago, we end up in “integration hell”.

Continuous integration

  • Avoid “integration hell” by merging at least daily, sometimes merge multiple times per day.
  • The “CI” terminology comes from Grady Booch, 1991 book on OOA&D.
  • Was promoted heavily with XP = “Extreme Programming” by Kent Beck, early 2000s.
  • Relies heavily on being able to automate building and testing.
  • We have a “baseline” branch, or a “trunk”, or “master” that contains every commit made every day.
  • Want the automatic build and test steps to be fast.
    • Reduce by parallelizing on a build server, or build farm.
    • For libraries, want to build and test for different versions of language, tools, dependencies.
  • Existing services/tools: Travis CI, Circle CI, GitLab CI, Atlassian Bamboo.
  • Continuous delivery: upload built code to server for users to download.
  • Continuous deployment: built code “goes live” on web site immediately from CI service.
  • Many CI systems support “badges” to indicate publicly and widely the state of the build, coverage, etc.


Figure 1: Example of CI badges on a Python project on GitHub

Release management

After integration and testing, next steps include things like tag, bundle, deliver, and/or deploy.

Tagging means assigning the source an “external” version number.

Semantic versioning is a precise way to construct version numbers.

Important to be able to retrieve a version number from within an application. (Also can put git commit ID, timestamp.)

Delivery/deployment has changed over time, and depends on the nature of the project.

  1. Shrink-wrap software – CD/DVD in a box with a plastic wrapper.
  2. Click-wrap software & app stores
  3. SaaS = Software as a Service (web-based software)
  4. Custom/proprietary deployments



Figure 2: Schematic of DevOps activities


Figure 3: @vboykis on Twitter