Milestone 3: Coverage

3 March 2019   PDF version

For this milestone, you will write unit tests for a real, actively-used Python module called humanize.

Code to test

The code is in cs164pub/coverage/humanize, and you want to write your tests into the file coverage/ Here is a starting point for that file:

import unittest
import humanize

class CommaTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_zeroes(self):
        self.assertEqual(humanize.intcomma(1048576), "1,048,576")

    # Returns non-numbers unchanged
    def test_non_number(self):
        self.assertEqual(humanize.intcomma("hello"), "hello")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Those tests are both testing the humanize.intcomma function, but there are many other functions in the module. Use the README on GitHub as a guide to how they should work.

Coverage tool

As we covered in class, here is a session that shows how to run the coverage tool:

$ cd ~/Desktop/cs164/coverage
$ coverage erase
$ coverage run
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s

$ coverage report
Name                   Stmts   Miss  Cover
humanize/       6      0   100%
humanize/         4      1    75%
humanize/      20     17    15%
humanize/          32     17    47%
humanize/        62     39    37%
humanize/         114    102    11%                   9      0   100%
TOTAL                    247    176    29%

You want to get that 29% number as high as possible. (It may be pretty difficult to get all the way to 100%, but try.)

To view the full report, run:

$ coverage html

And then open the file coverage/htmlcov/index.html in your browser. Click the file names in that report page to find the blocks that are highlighted in pink because they are not executed.


Figure 1: Sample coverage report for a particular Python source file

My results

In my solution, I got the coverage up to 98%:

Name                   Stmts   Miss  Cover
humanize/       6      0   100%
humanize/         4      1    75%
humanize/      20      0   100%
humanize/          32      0   100%
humanize/        62      0   100%
humanize/         114      5    96%                 124      0   100%
TOTAL                    362      6    98%