Assignment 10 – AI

due in class on   +40

(1) Use search to solve a puzzle

Six frogs are trying to cross a pond by jumping between stones. Alma, Ben, and Carl are heading East; while Xavier, Yolanda, and Zanjoe are heading West. Each frog can jump just onto an adjacent stone, or jump over another frog if there is an empty stone behind it. The frogs are stubborn, however, and are not willing to change direction.


We can represent the start state above as ABC-XYZ. Then the goal state would be XYZ-ABC. From the start state, there are four possible moves. This chart emulates the first part of the search graph:

  • C slides: AB-CXYZ
    • Then B slides: A-BCXYZ
      • Then A slides: -ABCXYZ and we’re stuck
    • or A jumps: -BACXYZ and we’re stuck
    • or X jumps: ABXC-YZ
      • Then C slides: ABX-CYZ
      • or Y slides: ABXCY-Z
      • or Z jumps: ABXCZY- and we’re stuck
  • B jumps: A-CBXYZ
    • Then A slides: -ACBXYZ and we’re stuck
  • X slides: ABCX-YZ
  • Y jumps: ABCYX-Z

On paper, expand the graph for the frog-jumping problem until you reach the goal state, but you can make two simplifications:

  1. Just use four frogs, so the start state is AB-YZ and the goal is YZ-AB.

  2. There are always two ways to reach the goal: one starts with a frog (A or B) moving right, the other with a frog (Y or Z) moving left. So ignore the solutions starting with Y or Z. This will cut the search space in half.

Here’s a simple notation you can use:

  b: a-byz
  a: -bayz
  y: (ignored)
  z: (ignored)

  a: -abyz
  y: ayb-z


I wrote a Frogs Python program that will solve this puzzle for any number of frogs.

(2) machine learning of decision tree