
Welcome to CS 164. Here’s what the bulletin says we should do:

A study of software project management concepts, software cost estimation, quality management, process involvement, overview of analysis and design methods, user interface evaluation, and design. Also considered are dependable systems - software reliability, programming for reliability, reuse, safety-critical systems, verification and validation techniques; object-oriented development; using UML; and software maintenance.

Here’s what we’ll actually do: learn all the above stuff in the context of a real software project. As a class, we’ll design and implement a web-based information system using the Python programming language and the Django web framework. You will be responsible for many parts of the system yourself, but we will discuss the overall design and direction as a class so that we can stay on track and learn from each other.

Monday 6–9:40pm in LLC 234D. Three credits, prerequisite: CS130.

Contact information

Prof. Christopher League, Ph.D.
– please include course number in subject.
chrysleague (AIM), league@contrapunctus.net (MSN), chrisleague (Skype), cleague@gmail.com (GTalk/XMPP)
+1 718 488 1274 (office), +1 646 450 6278 (Google voice)
Office hours:
Monday 11-12; Wednesday 11-12, 5-6; other times by appointment.
Office location:
LLC 206


Web site:
Campus library resources tailored for computer science are available at http://www2.brooklyn.liu.edu/library/wlp/LibPortal-CS-BC.htm (also available in Blackboard).
Other web resources:
Learn Python The Hard Way http://learnpythonthehardway.org/
Google’s Python class http://code.google.com/edu/languages/google-python-class/

Tutoring is available from graduate assistants in the Computer Science department. The hours are Monday 11–6 and Tuesday–Thursday 1–6. Check signs posted around the department.


©2012 Christopher League · some rights reserved · CC by-sa