due at 23:59 on
This is the only milestone grade that cannot be dropped, so you should try to submit as much working as you can.
We’ll guide our work this time by using a bug-tracking system called Sifter.
Log in to your account on https://liucs.sifterapp.com/
(login link should have been sent by email). Your user name there is the same as on git, different password that you have to set up.
Download two other students’ code, try it out, and then file at least two bugs against each one. Here are the student match-up assignments. You must file bugs against the assigned students below, and then choose one other student as well.
anozilee should try out sierrai
chichiir should try out anozilee
echevarj should try out chichiir
hohams should try out echevarj
lopezr should try out hohams
palmerv should try out lopezr
rocaf should try out palmerv
sanchezc should try out rocaf
sierrai should try out sanchezc
Here is how to download someone else’s code. Change to your top-level home folder, and then issue the git clone
cd ~
git clone git@liucs.net:cs164-THEIRNAME.git
Once you have downloaded their code, you will need to set up the database in their directory:
cd ~/cs164-THEIRNAME/bookswap
python manage.py syncdb --noinput
python manage.py loaddata sample
Run a server on their code, as usual. (If a runserver
is currently running in your directory, you’ll have to cancel it.)
python manage.py runserver
To test that user login works, you will need to update user passwords using the admin interface. First, create your own admin account on their database, like this:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Then you can open up their admin site at http://localhost:8000/admin/
The deadline for filing bugs against others’ code is Friday 27 April at midnight.
For the rest of this milestone, you should address some of the issues that I find and submit on sifterapp, as well as those that your classmates find.
You do not necessarily need to fix all the bugs, but you should at least comment on them all, and fix those that you find to be most important.
You are also welcome to add bug reports for your own project, if you feel there’s something that should be fixed (and that you can fix) that neither I nor the other students reported.
Good luck!
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