
An Intent is an object used to specify the transition from one android activity to another.

You can create a second activity in your project by right-clicking on the package name (such as under src/main/java, and selecting New » Activity. Suppose our new activity is called SecondActivity.

To initiate a transition from the MainActivity to the SecondActivity (perhaps in response to a button click), you can enter this code:

    Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), SecondActivity.class);

The getActivity() works if this code is somewhere within the inner Fragment class. If instead you are doing this directly in the Activity class, you can replace it with this:

    Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);

Implicit resolution

In the above example, we transitioned to an explicit activity, indicated by SecondActivity.class. In other cases, we may avoid specifying a particular activity and instead let the Android system (and perhaps the user) decide which activity to open.

For example, suppose I want to link to a map view of some location on the Earth, specified by latitude and longitude. In that case, we specify that we want to VIEW a geo: URL:

    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,

The format of this URL is geo:0,0?q=LATITUDE,LONGITUDE(LABEL). When I click the button to activate this intent, my phone has two applications that handle geo URLs, as shown in the screen-shot.

Android asks user how to view map location (left); user chooses Maps app (right)

Android asks user how to view map location (left); user chooses Maps app (right)

On my tablet, I don’t have VZ Navigator, but instead I have Google Earth, so it still offers me a choice. The user can select an app and then “Always” so that this association is used as the default in the future.

Choices for geo URL on tablet

Choices for geo URL on tablet

A similar thing happens with YouTube URLs. This Intent transitions to a YouTube video:

    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,

My phone has three ways to visit a YouTube URL, as shown in the screen-shots.

User prompt for YouTube URL (left); viewed in YouTube app (middle); viewed in Chrome (right)

User prompt for YouTube URL (left); viewed in YouTube app (middle); viewed in Chrome (right)

For a ton of extra information about how Android (and perhaps the user) is choosing the target activity, you can set a flag before starting the activity, like this:

    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,

and then it will dump the details into the system log. Search for the tag IntentResolver to find them.