This page has some examples of trees built using the Branch
and Leaf
constructors specified in assignment 4.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module A04Trees where
import A04Sol hiding (main)
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
balancedCharTree1 :: Tree Char
balancedCharTree1 =
Branch (Branch (Leaf 'A') (Leaf 'B'))
(Branch (Leaf 'C') (Leaf 'D'))
rightSkewedIntTree1 :: Tree Int
rightSkewedIntTree1 =
Branch (Leaf 2)
(Branch (Leaf 4)
(Branch (Leaf 8)
(Branch (Leaf 16)
(Leaf 32))))
leftSkewedIntTree1 :: Tree Int
leftSkewedIntTree1 =
Branch (Branch (Branch (Branch (Leaf 2)
(Leaf 4))
(Leaf 8))
(Leaf 16))
(Leaf 32)
This is the result of applying succ
to each leaf of the previous tree.
This is a tree containing some strings.
stringTree1 :: Tree String
stringTree1 =
Branch (Branch (Leaf "ant")
(Branch (Leaf "bee")
(Leaf "cat")))
(Branch (Leaf "dog")
(Leaf "eel"))
You don’t necessarily need to look at this section, but I’ll describe what it does in case you’re curious. The function graphviz
takes a tree and converts it into a string in a language called GraphViz that can then be fed to a command-line tool to produce images. All the diagrams of trees on this page were produced from this Haskell program and GraphViz.
graphviz :: Show a => Tree a -> String
graphviz tree = surround $ snd $ execRWS (traverse tree) () 0
surround s = "digraph {\n" ++ s ++ "}\n"
quote a = "\"" ++ concatMap subst (show a) ++ "\""
subst '"' = "\\\""
subst c = [c]
increment :: MonadState Int m => (Int -> m a) -> m Int
increment f = do
i <- get
put (i+1)
f i
return i
node i = "node" ++ show i
traverse (Leaf x) = increment $ \i ->
tell $ node i ++ " [shape=rectangle, label=" ++ quote x ++ "]\n"
traverse (Branch left right) = increment $ \i -> do
j <- traverse left
k <- traverse right
tell $
node i ++ " [shape=circle, width=0.2, label=\"\"]\n" ++
node i ++ " -> " ++ node j ++ "\n" ++
node i ++ " -> " ++ node k ++ "\n"
createGraph :: (String, String) -> IO ()
createGraph (name, dot) =
putStrLn ("Creating " <> filename) >>
withFile filename WriteMode (flip hPutStr dot)
filename = "a04" ++ name ++ ".dot"
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ createGraph
[ ("bctree1", graphviz balancedCharTree1)
, ("ritree1", graphviz rightSkewedIntTree1)
, ("litree1", graphviz leftSkewedIntTree1)
, ("litree2", graphviz leftSkewedIntTree2)
, ("stree1", graphviz stringTree1)
, ("pair", graphviz pairOfTrees)
Used in some tests: