data type and compare
for lexicographic comparisonsnewtype
to wrap/unwrap types with different type class instanceszip
and zipWith
cmp :: Int -> Int -> String
cmp x y =
if x < y then "less"
else if x > y then "greater"
else "equal"
cmp2 :: Int -> Int -> String
cmp2 x y =
case compare x y of
EQ -> "equal"
LT -> "less"
GT -> "greater"
data Person =
Person { firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, birthDate :: Int
} deriving (Show)
p1 = Person "Chris" "League" 2987574
p2 = Person "Alice" "Smith" 2934723
p3 = Person "Alice" "Chen" 2948574
p4 = Person "Bob" "Smith" 2934723
instance Eq Person where
a == b =
firstName a == firstName b
&& lastName a == lastName b
&& birthDate a == birthDate b
instance Ord Person where
compare a b =
compare (lastName a) (lastName b)
<> compare (firstName a) (firstName b)
<> compare (birthDate a) (birthDate b)
balancedHeight :: ITree a -> Maybe Int
balancedHeight ILeaf = Just 0
balancedHeight (IBranch _ l r) =
case balancedHeight l of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just hl -> error "TODO"
balancedFromList :: [a] -> ITree a
balancedFromList [] = ILeaf
balancedFromList (x:xs) =
IBranch x (balancedFromList ys) (balancedFromList zs)
n = length xs `div` 2
ys = error "TODO:ys"
zs = error "TODO:zs"
data Arith
= Num Double
| Var String
| UnaryOp UnaryOp Arith
| BinOp BinOp Arith Arith
deriving (Eq, Show)
example1 =
BinOp Add
(BinOp Sub
(BinOp Mul
(BinOp Add (Num 3) (Num 4))
(Var "x"))
(UnaryOp Sqrt (Var "y")))
(BinOp Pow (Num 3) (Var "y"))
optimize :: Arith -> Arith
-- Here are the real optimizations we're applying
optimize (BinOp Add (Num x1) (Num x2)) =
Num (x1+x2)
optimize (BinOp Pow (Num 0) t) =
Num 0
optimize (BinOp Add t (Num 0)) =
optimize t
optimize (BinOp Add (Num 0) t) =
optimize t
-- The remaining cases just traverse and
-- rebuild the tree, so that the above
-- optimizations can be applied throughout.
optimize (Num x) = Num x
optimize (Var s) = Var s
optimize (BinOp b t1 t2) =
BinOp b (optimize t1) (optimize t2)
optimize (UnaryOp u t) =
UnaryOp u (optimize t)
evaluate :: Arith -> Double
evaluate (Num x) = x
evaluate (Var "x") = 99
evaluate (Var "y") = 52
evaluate (Var s) = error "TODO: evaluate Var"
evaluate (UnaryOp Sqrt t) = sqrt (evaluate t)
evaluate (UnaryOp Neg t) = -(evaluate t)
evaluate (BinOp Add t1 t2) =
evaluate t1 + evaluate t2
evaluate (BinOp Mul t1 t2) =
evaluate t1 * evaluate t2
evaluate (BinOp Sub t1 t2) =
evaluate t1 - evaluate t2
evaluate (BinOp Div t1 t2) =
evaluate t1 / evaluate t2
evaluate (BinOp Pow t1 t2) =
evaluate t1 ** evaluate t2