Assignment 1 solutions

Sun Sep 16

These declarations make this file into an executable module that runs embedded test cases.

Warm-up: volume of a sphere

For this question, we will see how to submit and receive feedback on Haskell function definitions with the Mimir platform. Below is what we call “starter code.” It consists of a module declaration and the beginning of a function definition called volumeSphere.

Try this: following the equals sign, type a floating-point number, such as 9.2. Don’t change anything else in the starter code. Then hit the “Run tests” button. You should see that most (probably all) of the tests have failed.

Click on one of the test names, where it says “Debugging information available.” You will see some feedback that includes a chunk like this:

expected: 4.1887902047863905
 but got: 9.2

That one pertains to the example volumeSphere 1. The test expects the result to be 4.1887902047863905 but instead the result was 9.2.

Dismiss the debugging information, and now change the expression in the program to 4.1887902047863905. When you press “Run tests” again, this time it should pass the first test but fail the others.

Now, replace your floating-point constant with the actual expression which will define this function correctly. You can find it in the course notes for 5 September. With that definition in place, the code should compile and all the tests should pass. Once the tests pass, you can move on to the next question.



Quadratic equation

Define this mathematical function using Haskell. Again, do not change the starter code, just add your expression after the equals sign. The square-root function in Haskell is spelled sqrt.



Temperature conversion

For this problem, you should write two functions, called celsiusToFahrenheit and fahrenheitToCelsius. They should perform conversions between the two temperature scales. (You can look up the formulas on the web.) This time the starter code has the module declaration (leave that alone), but you must write the function declarations yourself.



Cartesian distance metrics

There are several different ways to calculate a distance between two points on a Cartesian plane. Below is a demonstration. Points are specified as pairs of numbers \((X,Y)\). The two points shown here are \((1,2)\) and \((5,4)\). Think of the first as a starting point of a journey (green) and the second as the end point (red).

The most straightforward calculation may be Manhattan distance. It’s just the sum of the distances in both dimensions, like walking along city blocks — go 4 blocks East then 2 blocks North, the total distance is then 6 blocks. You just have to be cautious about calculating those distances, because they should never be negative. In this example, the X distance comes from \(5 - 1 = 4\), but if you’re given the points in the reverse order you might calculate \(1 - 5 = -4\). So we use the absolute value, usually notated with bars on each side of the expression: \(| 1 - 5 | = 4\). In Haskell, however, the absolute value is provided by the function abs.

The Euclidean distance takes a square root of the sum of squared distances in each dimension. Its formula is derived directly from the Pythagorean theorem, you can find it online if you need to.

The Chebyshev distance is a more flexible alternative to Manhattan distance. It counts diagonal moves as being the same distance as horizontal/vertical moves. Think of the movements of a queen on a chess board. Its calculation is simply the maximum of the distances in each dimension. You can get the maximum of two values in haskell with, for example, max 5 2.

Name your functions just manhattan, euclidean, and chebyshev. They should each take two pairs as arguments.



Fast exponentiation

The starter code includes a recursive function, powerSlow, to calculate exponents with a non-negative integer power. For example, powerSlow 2 5 produces 32. (Trace it yourself to see how it works!)

Your task is to create a function powerFast. It looks almost exactly the same as powerSlow, but includes one extra clause (before the otherwise) that will take a shortcut when the exponent is an even number. The shortcut works through an application of this formula:

\[ x^{2y} = (x^y)^2 \]

So the \(2y\) on the left side of the formula indicates that the exponent is an even number (a multiple of two). You can then take the power using half that exponent, and square the result. This results in substantially fewer multiplications when the exponent is large.

You should define your own square function to use in powerFast; one test case requires this.




A prime number is an integer that has exactly two factors: one, and itself. The number 1, however, is not considered to be prime. So the first few prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.

Define a helper function using the symbolic operator notation slash-question-mark: (/?). This can be used as an infix operator to determine whether a number is divisible by another number (with no remainder). It returns a Boolean. For example:

ghci> 3 /? 2
ghci> 18 /? 3
ghci> 18 /? 4

Next, you can define isPrime n. It can check whether any number in the range [2..n-1] divides n. (It also must ensure that n > 1.)

Finally, a twin prime is a pair of neighboring odd numbers that are both primes. For example 11 and 13 are both prime so they are referred to as twins. Define a function isFirstTwinPrime n that determines whether n is the first of a pair of twin primes.

