import Control.Monad.State -- Needed only for test code
instead of the pattern guard.factIf n =
if n <= 0 then 1
else n * factIf (n-1)
Define this mathematical function using Haskell, name it quadratic
, and test it.
\[q(a,b,c) = \frac{-b + \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} \]
quadratic a b c =
(-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
.sphere r = (4/3) * pi * r^3
slow x y
| x < y = x
| otherwise = slow (x-y) y
Trace out the steps involved in evaluating slow 101 21
, the same way we would for an algebraic expression. That is, determine the parameters x
and y
, check which case applies, then rewrite it.
slow 101 21
Substitute 101 for x
, 21 for y
. x < y
is false, so use the otherwise
case.slow (101-21) 21
Subtractslow 80 21
Substitute again, still otherwiseslow (80-21) 21
Subtractslow 59 21
Substitute again, still otherwiseslow (59-21) 21
Subtractslow 38 21
Substitute, still otherwiseslow (38-21) 21
Subtractslow 17 21
Substitute, this time x < y
So the answer is x
.collatzCount n
that calculates the number of steps it takes to get from n
down to 1
.collatzCount n
| n <= 1 = 0
| otherwise = 1 + collatzCount (collatz2 n)
collatz2 n | even n = n `div` 2
collatz2 n = 3*n + 1
main = flip execStateT (0,0) $ do
verify "fact 5" 120 $ factIf 5
verify "fact 6" 720 $ factIf 6
verify "fact10" 3628800 $ factIf 10
verify "fact12" 479001600 $ factIf 12
verifyF "quad 2 9 3" (-0.36254139118231254) $ quadratic 2 9 3
verifyF "quad 1 -1 -1" 1.618033988749895 $ quadratic 1 (-1) (-1)
verifyF "quad 2 8 6" (-1.0) $ quadratic 2 8 6
verifyF "quad 1 30 π" (-0.1050878704703262) $ quadratic 1 30 pi
verifyF "sphere 1" 4.1887902047863905 $ sphere 1
verifyF "sphere 3.75" 220.8932334555323 $ sphere 3.75
verifyF "sphere 18.1" 24838.441017720263 $ sphere 18.1
verifyF "sphere 21.2" 39349.20615723923 $ sphere 21.1
verify "collatz 27" 111 $ collatzCount 27
verify "collatz 99" 25 $ collatzCount 99
verify "collatz1024" 10 $ collatzCount 1024
verify "collatz 118" 33 $ collatzCount 118
get >>= say . show
say = liftIO . putStrLn
correct (k, n) = (k+1, n+1)
incorrect (k, n) = (k, n+1)
verify = verify' (==)
verifyF = verify' (\x y -> abs(x-y) < 0.00001)
verify' :: (Show a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> String -> a -> a -> StateT (Int,Int) IO ()
verify' eq tag expected actual
| eq expected actual = do
modify correct
say $ " OK " ++ tag
| otherwise = do
modify incorrect
say $ "ERR " ++ tag ++ ": expected " ++ show expected
++ " got " ++ show actual