import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad.State
main = do
flip execStateT (0,0) $ do
-- mapFirstRest
verify "1.01" [12,40,45,50] $ mapFirstRest (+5) (*5) [7..10]
verify "1.02" [13,40,40] $ mapFirstRest (+5) (*5) [8,8,8]
verify "1.03" [5,0,0] $ mapFirstRest length (const 0)
["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"]
verify "1.04" [14,9,9] $ mapFirstRest (+5) id [9,9,9]
verify "1.05" [9,14,14] $ mapFirstRest id (+5) [9,9,9]
-- capitalize
verify "2.01" "Hello" $ capitalize "hello"
verify "2.02" "Nifty" $ capitalize "nifty"
verify "2.03" "NICE" $ capitalize "NICE"
verify "2.04" "#wow" $ capitalize "#wow"
-- maybeCapitalize
assert "3.01" $ "the" `elem` exemptions
assert "3.02" $ not $ "dog" `elem` exemptions
verify "3.03" "the" $ maybeCapitalize "the"
verify "3.04" "Dog" $ maybeCapitalize "dog"
verify "3.05" "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog"
$ titleCase "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
verify "3.06" "The Hound of the Baskervilles"
$ titleCase "the hound of the baskervilles"
verify "3.07" "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"
$ titleCase "harry potter and the chamber of secrets"
-- tree traversal
verify "4.01" "AKMQP" $ preorder sample1
verify "4.02" "MQKPA" $ inorder sample1
verify "4.03" "QMPKA" $ postorder sample1
verify "4.04" "BSCDFR" $ preorder sample2
verify "4.05" "SDCFBR" $ inorder sample2
verify "4.06" "DFCSRB" $ postorder sample2
-- stack monoid
let Just s1 = push 7 (new 3)
let Just s2 = (push 8 >=> push 9) (new 2)
verify "5.01" (BoundedStack {capacity = 2, elements = [7,9,8]})
$ s1 <> s2
verify "5.02" s2 $ s2 <> mempty
verify "5.03" s1 $ mempty <> s1
say = liftIO . putStrLn
correct (k, n) = (k+1, n+1)
incorrect (k, n) = (k, n+1)
assert s = verify s True
verify :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> StateT (Int,Int) IO ()
verify = verify' (==)
verifyF = verify' (\x y -> abs(x-y) < 0.00001)
verify' :: (Show a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> String -> a -> a ->
StateT (Int,Int) IO ()
verify' eq tag expected actual
| eq expected actual = do
modify correct
say $ " OK " ++ tag
| otherwise = do
modify incorrect
say $ "ERR " ++ tag ++ ": expected " ++ show expected
++ " got " ++ show actual
-- End of test driver
Note that this doesn’t need to be recursive! It just distinguishes between an empty list and a non-empty list, then uses f
on first and map g
on rest.
mapFirstRest :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapFirstRest f g [] = []
mapFirstRest f g (x:xs) = f x : map g xs
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize = mapFirstRest toUpper id
exemptions :: [String]
exemptions = ["the", "and", "or", "is", "of", "on"]
maybeCapitalize :: String -> String
maybeCapitalize word =
if word `elem` exemptions then word
else capitalize word
titleCase :: String -> String
titleCase = unwords . mapFirstRest capitalize maybeCapitalize . words
data Tree a
= Leaf
| Branch { value :: a, left, right :: Tree a }
deriving (Show)
sample1 :: Tree String
sample1 =
Branch "A"
(Branch "K"
(Branch "M"
(Branch "Q" Leaf Leaf))
(Branch "P" Leaf Leaf))
sample2 :: Tree String
sample2 =
Branch "B"
(Branch "S"
(Branch "C"
(Branch "D" Leaf Leaf)
(Branch "F" Leaf Leaf)))
(Branch "R" Leaf Leaf)
preorder :: Monoid a => Tree a -> a
preorder Leaf = mempty
preorder (Branch v l r) = v <> preorder l <> preorder r
inorder :: Monoid a => Tree a -> a
inorder Leaf = mempty
inorder (Branch v l r) = inorder l <> v <> inorder r
postorder :: Monoid a => Tree a -> a
postorder Leaf = mempty
postorder (Branch v l r) = postorder l <> postorder r <> v
data BoundedStack a
= BoundedStack { capacity :: Int, elements :: [a] }
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Monoid (BoundedStack a) where
mempty = new 0
mappend (BoundedStack c1 e1) (BoundedStack c2 e2) =
BoundedStack (c1+c2) (e1++e2)
new :: Int -> BoundedStack a
new n = BoundedStack { capacity = n, elements = [] }
push :: a -> BoundedStack a -> Maybe (BoundedStack a)
push elem (BoundedStack cap elems)
| cap > 0 = Just $ BoundedStack (cap-1) (elem:elems)
| otherwise = Nothing