Assignment 3 solutions

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

Test driver

import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
main = do
  createGraphs  -- You can remove this line
  flip execStateT (0,0) $ do
    -- Ex 1 depth
    verify "1.01 depth" 2 $ depth tree1
    verify "1.02 depth" 4 $ depth tree2
    verify "1.03 depth" 2 $ depth expr1
    verify "1.04 depth" 0 $ depth (Leaf "a")
    -- Ex 2 listLeaves
    verify "2.01 listLeaves" "ABCD"      $ listLeaves tree1
    verify "2.02 listLeaves" [3,4,5,7,9] $ listLeaves tree2
    verify "2.03 listLeaves" [1,2,3]     $ listLeaves expr1
    verify "2.04 listLeaves" [99]        $ listLeaves $ Leaf 99
    -- Ex 3 mirrorTree
    verify "3.01 mirrorTree" "DCBA"      $ listLeaves $ mirrorTree tree1
    verify "3.02 mirrorTree" [9,7,5,4,3] $ listLeaves $ mirrorTree tree2
    verify "3.03 mirrorTree" [3,2,1]     $ listLeaves $ mirrorTree expr1
    verify "3.04 mirrorTree" [99]        $ listLeaves $ mirrorTree $ Leaf 99
    -- Ex 4 mapLeaves
    verify  "4.01 mapLeaves" "BCDE"          $ listLeaves $ mapLeaves succ tree1
    verify  "4.02 mapLeaves" "@ABC"          $ listLeaves $ mapLeaves pred tree1
    verify  "4.03 mapLeaves" [9,16,25,49,81] $ listLeaves $ mapLeaves (^2) tree2
    verifyF "4.04 mapLeaves" 22.245312 $ sum $ listLeaves $ mapLeaves (**2.5) expr1
    -- Ex 5 mapBranches
    verify "5.01 mapBranches" (Leaf 6) $ mapBranches (+1) (Leaf 6)
    verify "5.02 mapBranches" (Branch 9 (Leaf 6) (Leaf 7)) $
             mapBranches (+1) (Branch 8 (Leaf 6) (Leaf 7))
    -- Ex 6
    verifyF "6.01 calculate" (pi/2) $ calculate Divide   pi 2
    verifyF "6.02 calculate" (pi+2) $ calculate Add      pi 2
    verifyF "6.03 calculate" (pi*2) $ calculate Multiply pi 2
    verifyF "6.04 calculate" (pi-2) $ calculate Subtract pi 2
    verifyF "6.05 calculate" (pi^2) $ calculate Power    pi 2
    -- Ex 7
    verifyF "7.01 interpret"  9.0 $ interpret expr1
    verifyF "7.02 interpret" 27.0 $ interpret $ mapLeaves (+1.5) expr1
    verifyF "7.03 interpret"  6.0 $ interpret $ mapBranches (const Multiply) expr1
    -- Ex 8
    verify  "8.01 expr2" 3 $ depth expr2
    verify  "8.02 expr2" [pi,7,19.1,18.2,6,0.3] $ listLeaves expr2
    verifyF "8.03 expr2" 21.477394 $ interpret expr2
    verifyF "8.04 expr2" 21.480368 $ interpret $ mirrorTree expr2
    verifyF "8.05 expr2" 379.6297 $ interpret $ mapLeaves (+1) expr2
    verifyF "8.06 expr2" 53.741592 $ interpret $ mapBranches (const Add) expr2
    say = liftIO . putStrLn
    correct (k, n) = (k+1, n+1)
    incorrect (k, n) = (k, n+1)
    verify :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> StateT (Int,Int) IO ()
    verify = verify' (==)
    verifyF = verify' (\x y -> abs(x-y) < 0.00001)
    verify' :: (Show a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> String -> a -> a ->
              StateT (Int,Int) IO ()
    verify' eq tag expected actual
      | eq expected actual = do
          modify correct
          say $ " OK " ++ tag
      | otherwise = do
          modify incorrect
          say $ "ERR " ++ tag ++ ": expected " ++ show expected
            ++ " got " ++ show actual
-- End of test driver

Provided code

Here is the tree data type that we developed in class. The type variable lv stands for the type of values stored at the leaves. The type variable bv stands for the type of values stored at the branches.

data Tree lv bv
  = Leaf {leafValue :: lv}
  | Branch {branchValue :: bv, left, right :: Tree lv bv}
  deriving (Show, Eq)
tree1 :: Tree Char Int
tree1 =
  Branch 1
    (Branch 3 (Leaf 'A') (Leaf 'B'))
    (Branch 5 (Leaf 'C') (Leaf 'D'))
tree2 :: Tree Int Char
tree2 =
  Branch 'A'
    (Leaf 3)
    (Branch 'B'
      (Branch 'C'
        (Leaf 4)
        (Branch 'D'
          (Leaf 5)
          (Leaf 7)))
      (Leaf 9))

Generic tree operations

1. depth

depth :: Tree lv bv -> Int
depth (Leaf _) = 0
depth (Branch _ left right) = 1 + max (depth left) (depth right)

2. listLeaves

listLeaves :: Tree lv bv -> [lv]
listLeaves (Leaf x) = [x]
listLeaves (Branch _ left right) = listLeaves left ++ listLeaves right

3. mirrorTree

mirrorTree :: Tree lv bv -> Tree lv bv
mirrorTree (Leaf x) = Leaf x
mirrorTree (Branch y left right) = Branch y (mirrorTree right) (mirrorTree left)

4. mapLeaves

mapLeaves :: (lv1 -> lv2) -> Tree lv1 bv -> Tree lv2 bv
mapLeaves f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)
mapLeaves f (Branch y left right) =
  Branch y (mapLeaves f left) (mapLeaves f right)

5. mapBranches

mapBranches :: (bv1 -> bv2) -> Tree lv bv1 -> Tree lv bv2
mapBranches f (Leaf x) = Leaf x
mapBranches f (Branch y left right) =
  Branch (f y) (mapBranches f left) (mapBranches f right)

Trees to represent arithmetic expressions

data ArithOp = Add | Subtract | Multiply | Divide | Power
  deriving (Show, Eq)

6. calculate

calculate :: ArithOp -> Float -> Float -> Float
calculate Add x y = x + y
calculate Subtract x y = x - y
calculate Multiply x y = x * y
calculate Divide x y = x / y
calculate Power x y = x ** y

7. interpret

interpret :: Tree Float ArithOp -> Float
interpret (Leaf x) = x
interpret (Branch op left right) =
  calculate op (interpret left) (interpret right)
expr1 :: Tree Float ArithOp
expr1 =
  Branch Multiply
    (Branch Add (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
    (Leaf 3)

8. expr2

expr2 :: Tree Float ArithOp
expr2 =
  Branch Power
    (Branch Subtract
       (Branch Multiply (Leaf pi) (Leaf 7))
       (Leaf 19.1))
    (Branch Divide
       (Leaf 18.2)
       (Branch Add (Leaf 6) (Leaf 0.3)))


You don’t necessarily need to look at this section, but I’ll describe what it does in case you’re curious. The function graphviz takes a tree and converts it into a string in a language called GraphViz that can then be fed to a command-line tool to produce images. All the diagrams of trees on the assignment handout page were produced from this Haskell program and GraphViz.

graphviz :: (Show lv, Show bv) => Tree lv bv -> String
graphviz tree = surround $ snd $ execRWS (traverse tree) () 0
    surround s = "digraph {\n" ++ s ++ "}\n"
    quote a = "\"" ++ show a ++ "\""
    increment :: MonadState Int m => (Int -> m a) -> m Int
    increment f = do
      i <- get
      put (i+1)
      f i
      return i
    node i = "node" ++ show i
    traverse (Leaf x) = increment $ \i ->
      tell $ node i ++ " [shape=rectangle, label=" ++ quote x ++ "]\n"
    traverse (Branch y left right) = increment $ \i -> do
      j <- traverse left
      k <- traverse right
      tell $
        node i ++ " [label=" ++ quote y ++ "]\n" ++
        node i ++ " -> " ++ node j ++ "\n" ++
        node i ++ " -> " ++ node k ++ "\n"
createGraphs = mapM_ each
  [ ("expr1", graphviz expr1)
  , ("expr2", graphviz expr2)
  , ("tree1", graphviz tree1)
  , ("tree2", graphviz tree2)
  , ("tree1mirror", graphviz (mirrorTree tree1))
  , ("tree2mirror", graphviz (mirrorTree tree2))
  , ("tree2map", graphviz (mapLeaves (^2) tree2))
  , ("tree2map2", graphviz (mapBranches (succ . succ) tree2))
    each (name, dot) =
      withFile ("a03" ++ name ++ ".dot") WriteMode $ flip hPutStr dot