{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Parsec
trimChar c = char c <* spaces
matching = brackets <|> braces <|> parens
brackets = trimChar '[' >> delims >> trimChar ']'
braces = trimChar '{' >> delims >> trimChar '}'
parens = trimChar '(' >> delims >> trimChar ')'
delims = many matching
runDelims = parse (spaces >> delims <* eof) ""
trimString s = string s <* spaces
data JAttributes = JAttributes
{ isStatic :: Bool
, isFinal :: Bool
, isSynchronized :: Bool
, visibility :: Maybe JVisibility
, volatility :: Maybe JVolatility
deriving (Eq, Show)
data JVisibility
= JVPublic
| JVProtected
| JVPrivate
deriving (Eq, Show)
data JVolatility
= JVTransient
| JVVolatile
deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultAttributes :: JAttributes
defaultAttributes =
JAttributes{ visibility = Nothing
, volatility = Nothing
, isStatic = False
, isFinal = False
, isSynchronized = False
Here’s a nice way to capture the commonality of all the Boolean keywords. This function takes a string kw
for the keyword, and then functions to select (sel
) and update (upd
) the attributes record.
parseBool kw sel upd = do
trimString kw
attrs <- getState
if sel attrs then fail ("duplicate '" ++ kw ++ "'")
else putState (upd attrs)
We can use it to implement synchronized
, final
, and static
parseSynchronized =
parseBool "synchronized" isSynchronized (\a -> a{isSynchronized=True})
parseFinal =
parseBool "final" isFinal (\a -> a{isFinal=True})
parseStatic =
parseBool "static" isStatic (\a -> a{isStatic=True})
Here is an abstraction of the volatility and visibility settings, which are stored as a Maybe
of some other enumeration type. In this function, the parameters kw
, sel
, and upd
play the same role as before, but we also have the parameter ctor
for the constructor that applies to this keyword.
parseMaybe kw ctor sel upd = do
trimString kw
attrs <- getState
case sel attrs of
Nothing -> putState (upd attrs (Just ctor))
Just x
| x == ctor -> fail ("duplicate '" ++ kw ++ "'")
| otherwise -> fail ("'" ++ kw ++ "' conflicts with " ++ show x)
With this helper function to update the volatility of the record, we can implement transient
and volatile
setVolatility a v = a{volatility=v}
parseTransient =
parseMaybe "transient" JVTransient volatility setVolatility
parseVolatile = do
parseMaybe "volatile" JVVolatile volatility setVolatility
With this helper function to update the visibility of the record, we can implement the public
, private
, and protected
setVisibility a v = a{visibility=v}
parsePublic = do
parseMaybe "public" JVPublic visibility setVisibility
parsePrivate = do
parseMaybe "private" JVPrivate visibility setVisibility
parseProtected = do
parseMaybe "protected" JVProtected visibility setVisibility
List the alternatives for any particular keyword. I used try
in places where there are subsequent keywords that start with the same letter, such as synchronized
which precedes static
parseAnyAttribute =
(try parseSynchronized <|> parseFinal <|> parseStatic <|>
parseTransient <|> parseVolatile <|>
try parsePublic <|> try parsePrivate <|> try parseProtected)
Parse any sequence of attributes, and then return the state.
parseAttributes =
many parseAnyAttribute >> getState
Run the parser, which permits leading spaces and expects end of string. Just provide the string of keywords to be parsed.
runAttributes =
runParser (spaces >> parseAttributes <* eof) defaultAttributes ""
In class we used optionMaybe
, which is like optional
but it returns a Maybe
type to indicate whether the parse was successful. Here I just wrap that with a fromMaybe
(from the Data.Maybe
module), which provides a default value of the empty string instead of Nothing
optionMaybeEmpty parser =
fromMaybe "" <$> optionMaybe parser
Here’s a composition pattern that I found very common-place in writing these numeric parsers: given two parsers p
and q
, run them in sequence, but then return the concatenation of the two resulting strings. So the parser appendParsers (string "!") (many (char "-"))
when run on the string "!----"
will succeed and return the entire string.
appendParsers p q = do
s1 <- p
s2 <- q
return $ s1 ++ s2
So now, an integer has an optional negative sign, followed by one or more digits. (The digit
parser is built into parsec, but is equivalent to oneOf "0123456789"
that we used previously.)
parseInteger =
optionMaybeEmpty (string "-") `appendParsers` many1 digit
A float starts like an integer, but then it has an optional dot followed by zero or more digits, then optionally followed by an exponent (which can be negative). Notice how I use parseInteger
directly in this definition.
parseFloat =
parseInteger `appendParsers` decPart `appendParsers` expPart
decPart = optionMaybeEmpty (appendParsers (string ".") (many digit))
expPart = optionMaybeEmpty (appendParsers (string "e") (parseInteger))
main = flip execStateT (0,0) $ do
-- Parsing matched delimiters
isRight "1.01" $ runDelims "" -- empty ok
isRight "1.02" $ runDelims "[]" -- single pair
isRight "1.03" $ runDelims "()"
isRight "1.04" $ runDelims "{}"
isRight "1.05" $ runDelims "[]()" -- side-by-side
isRight "1.06" $ runDelims "[]{}()"
isRight "1.07" $ runDelims " [ ]{ } ( ) " -- with spaces
isRight "1.08" $ runDelims "[()]" -- nested
isRight "1.09" $ runDelims "[(())]"
isRight "1.10" $ runDelims "[{()}]"
isRight "1.11" $ runDelims " [ ( ) ]" -- nested with spaces
isRight "1.12" $ runDelims "[( ()) ] "
isRight "1.13" $ runDelims "[{() } ]"
isLeft "2.01" $ runDelims "[)" -- mismatched
isLeft "2.02" $ runDelims "[](){)"
isLeft "2.03" $ runDelims "[({))]"
isLeft "2.04" $ runDelims "(" -- unclosed
isLeft "2.05" $ runDelims "[()"
isLeft "2.06" $ runDelims "{{{}}"
-- Parsing Java keyword sequences
verify "3.01" (Right defaultAttributes) $ runAttributes ""
verify "3.02" (Right defaultAttributes{isStatic=True})
$ runAttributes "static"
verify "3.03" (Right defaultAttributes{isFinal=True})
$ runAttributes "final"
verify "3.04" (Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True})
$ runAttributes "synchronized"
verify "3.05"
(Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True, isStatic=True})
$ runAttributes "synchronized static"
verify "3.06"
(Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True, isStatic=True})
$ runAttributes "static synchronized"
verify "3.07"
(Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True, isStatic=True,
$ runAttributes "final static synchronized"
verify "3.08"
(Right defaultAttributes{volatility=Just JVTransient})
$ runAttributes "transient"
verify "3.09"
(Right defaultAttributes{volatility=Just JVVolatile})
$ runAttributes "volatile"
verify "3.10"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPublic})
$ runAttributes "public"
verify "3.11"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate})
$ runAttributes "private"
verify "3.12"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVProtected})
$ runAttributes "protected"
verify "3.13"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate, isFinal=True})
$ runAttributes "private final"
verify "3.14"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate, isFinal=True})
$ runAttributes "final private "
verify "3.15"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate, isStatic=True,
volatility=Just JVTransient})
$ runAttributes "transient static private "
-- Errors in Java keyword sequences
isLeft "4.01" $ runAttributes "final final"
isLeft "4.02" $ runAttributes "static static"
isLeft "4.03" $ runAttributes "synchronized public synchronized"
isLeft "4.04" $ runAttributes "public final static final"
isLeft "4.05" $ runAttributes "public public"
isLeft "4.06" $ runAttributes "public private"
isLeft "4.07" $ runAttributes "final transient static transient"
isLeft "4.08" $ runAttributes "final transient static volatile"
-- Numeric parsing
let runParseFloat = parse (spaces >> parseFloat <* eof) ""
checkFloat tag s = verify tag (Right s) $ runParseFloat s
checkFloat "5.01" "38281" -- Integer is a float
checkFloat "5.02" "-2848" -- Negative integer
checkFloat "5.03" "1." -- decimal point without further digits
checkFloat "5.04" "1.001" -- decimal digits
checkFloat "5.05" "-1.9922" -- negative decimal
checkFloat "5.06" "1e100" -- exponent without decimal
checkFloat "5.07" "1e-99" -- negative exponent
checkFloat "5.08" "-1e-99" -- negative with negative exponent
checkFloat "5.09" "1.332e33" -- decimals and exponent
checkFloat "5.10" "48384.23213e-234" -- larger decimals and exponent
isLeft "5.11" $ runParseFloat "1.-33" -- negative in middle
isLeft "5.12" $ runParseFloat ".1" -- nothing before decimal
-- (though some languages allow ".1" for floats?)
isLeft "5.13" $ runParseFloat "1.33e" -- missing exponent
say = liftIO . putStrLn
correct (k, n) = (k+1, n+1)
incorrect (k, n) = (k, n+1)
sayOk tag = do
modify correct
say $ " OK " ++ tag
sayErr tag expected actual = do
modify incorrect
say $ "ERR " ++ tag ++ ": expected " ++ expected
++ ", got " ++ show actual
isLeft tag (Left _) = sayOk tag
isLeft tag result = sayErr tag "Left" result
isRight tag (Right _) = sayOk tag
isRight tag result = sayErr tag "Right" result
verify = verify' (==)
verify' eq tag expected actual
| eq expected actual = sayOk tag
| otherwise = sayErr tag (show expected) actual
-- End of test driver