due at 23:59 on +80
This assignment is all about parsing using the parsec package. Write your code into a file named a09.hs
and submit it to this dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/request/UETJcbSHbKDCoUmjxwrS
You’ll probably need these language extensions and imports:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Parsec
If the parsec import fails, then you need to run stack install parsec
at your command prompt (not inside GHCi).
In class, we wrote a parser to accept matched pairs of brackets, like this:
matchParens =
many space >>
many (many space >>
char '[' >> delims >> char ']' >>
many space) >> many space
But I was disappointed with the really ad-hoc handling of white-space. What I learned since then is that the recommendation is to eat up extra white space only after reading a particular character or string – not before. (This stackoverflow Q&A is relevant.)
So here are a couple of helper functions for doing just that:
trimChar c = char c <* spaces
trimString s = string s <* spaces
They also take advantage of the built-in function spaces
, which is mostly equivalent to many space
that I was typing previously. One difference though is that many space
accumulates all the spaces into a string and returns it, whereas spaces
just discards them.
Your task is to define matching
, a parser that will accept matching pairs of square brackets []
, curly braces {}
, or round parentheses ()
. It should be mutually recursive with this definition:
delims = many matching
in order to allow nested and side-by-side parentheses. Then, define this as the top-level parser, which takes care of initial spaces and end-of-input:
runDelims = parse (spaces >> delims <* eof) ""
The test code given below includes lots of test cases using runDelims
, with strings that should be accepted (isRight
) as well as rejected (isLeft
Next we worked on parsing sequences of keyword attributes as used in Java, and adding some rules to reject duplicate or conflicting keywords. The rules were that at most one visibility can be specified (public
, private
, or protected
). And at most one of transient
or volatile
. And then the remaining three keywords were independent Booleans (either specified or not): final
, static
, and synchronized
Here are the data structures for tracking the attribute values:
data JAttributes = JAttributes
{ isStatic :: Bool
, isFinal :: Bool
, isSynchronized :: Bool
, visibility :: Maybe JVisibility
, volatility :: Maybe JVolatility
deriving (Eq, Show)
data JVisibility
= JVPublic
| JVProtected
| JVPrivate
deriving (Eq, Show)
data JVolatility
= JVTransient
| JVVolatile
deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultAttributes :: JAttributes
defaultAttributes =
JAttributes{ visibility = Nothing
, volatility = Nothing
, isStatic = False
, isFinal = False
, isSynchronized = False
And below I’ll give the starting point below that I did in class. Your task is to finish the job so it passes the tests. Even better, maybe you can find a way to factor out the commonalities among these definitions.
parseFinal = do
string "final"
attrs <- getState
if isFinal attrs then fail "duplicate final"
else putState attrs{isFinal=True}
parseTransient = do
string "transient"
attrs <- getState
case volatility attrs of
Nothing -> putState attrs{volatility=Just JVTransient}
Just JVTransient -> fail "duplicate 'transient'"
Just JVVolatile -> fail "'transient' conflicts with 'volatile'"
parseVolatile = do
string "volatile"
attrs <- getState
case volatility attrs of
Nothing -> putState attrs{volatility=Just JVVolatile}
Just JVVolatile -> fail "duplicate 'volatile'"
Just JVTransient -> fail "'volatile' conflicts with 'transient'"
parseAnyAttribute =
many space >>
(parseFinal <|> parseTransient <|> parseVolatile)
parseAttributes =
many space >> many parseAnyAttribute >> getState
runAttributes =
runParser parseAttributes defaultAttributes ""
A parser for a programming or configuration language will need to be able to recognize numeric values. In class, we constructed a parser for integers that looked like this:
parseInteger = do
neg <- optionMaybe (char '-')
digits <- many1 (oneOf "0123456789")
case neg of
Nothing -> return digits
Just _ -> return ("-" ++ digits)
Your task is to create a parser parseFloat
that can handle floating-point values that optionally include decimal parts and exponents. See the test driver for examples of what it should accept and reject. When it accepts a floating-point string, it should return the entire string.
In my solution, I made use of parseInteger
to do the integral parts of the float, which include both the part before the decimal point, and the exponent value.
The other library function I used is fromMaybe
(imported from Data.Maybe
). This removes the Maybe
type around a parsed result by supplying a default value to use instead of Nothing
ghci> fromMaybe "default" (Just "actual")
ghci> fromMaybe "default" Nothing
I created a helper function like this, that optionally parses something according to given parser p
, but if that fails it just returns the empty string:
optionMaybeEmpty parser =
fromMaybe "" <$> optionMaybe parser
For example:
ghci> parse (optionMaybeEmpty (string "X")) "" "X"
Right "X"
ghci> parse (optionMaybeEmpty (string "X")) "" "Y"
Right ""
main = flip execStateT (0,0) $ do
-- Parsing matched delimiters
isRight "1.01" $ runDelims "" -- empty ok
isRight "1.02" $ runDelims "[]" -- single pair
isRight "1.03" $ runDelims "()"
isRight "1.04" $ runDelims "{}"
isRight "1.05" $ runDelims "[]()" -- side-by-side
isRight "1.06" $ runDelims "[]{}()"
isRight "1.07" $ runDelims " [ ]{ } ( ) " -- with spaces
isRight "1.08" $ runDelims "[()]" -- nested
isRight "1.09" $ runDelims "[(())]"
isRight "1.10" $ runDelims "[{()}]"
isRight "1.11" $ runDelims " [ ( ) ]" -- nested with spaces
isRight "1.12" $ runDelims "[( ()) ] "
isRight "1.13" $ runDelims "[{() } ]"
isLeft "2.01" $ runDelims "[)" -- mismatched
isLeft "2.02" $ runDelims "[](){)"
isLeft "2.03" $ runDelims "[({))]"
isLeft "2.04" $ runDelims "(" -- unclosed
isLeft "2.05" $ runDelims "[()"
isLeft "2.06" $ runDelims "{{{}}"
-- Parsing Java keyword sequences
verify "3.01" (Right defaultAttributes) $ runAttributes ""
verify "3.02" (Right defaultAttributes{isStatic=True})
$ runAttributes "static"
verify "3.03" (Right defaultAttributes{isFinal=True})
$ runAttributes "final"
verify "3.04" (Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True})
$ runAttributes "synchronized"
verify "3.05"
(Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True, isStatic=True})
$ runAttributes "synchronized static"
verify "3.06"
(Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True, isStatic=True})
$ runAttributes "static synchronized"
verify "3.07"
(Right defaultAttributes{isSynchronized=True, isStatic=True,
$ runAttributes "final static synchronized"
verify "3.08"
(Right defaultAttributes{volatility=Just JVTransient})
$ runAttributes "transient"
verify "3.09"
(Right defaultAttributes{volatility=Just JVVolatile})
$ runAttributes "volatile"
verify "3.10"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPublic})
$ runAttributes "public"
verify "3.11"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate})
$ runAttributes "private"
verify "3.12"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVProtected})
$ runAttributes "protected"
verify "3.13"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate, isFinal=True})
$ runAttributes "private final"
verify "3.14"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate, isFinal=True})
$ runAttributes "final private "
verify "3.15"
(Right defaultAttributes{visibility=Just JVPrivate, isStatic=True,
volatility=Just JVTransient})
$ runAttributes "transient static private "
-- Errors in Java keyword sequences
isLeft "4.01" $ runAttributes "final final"
isLeft "4.02" $ runAttributes "static static"
isLeft "4.03" $ runAttributes "synchronized public synchronized"
isLeft "4.04" $ runAttributes "public final static final"
isLeft "4.05" $ runAttributes "public public"
isLeft "4.06" $ runAttributes "public private"
isLeft "4.07" $ runAttributes "final transient static transient"
isLeft "4.08" $ runAttributes "final transient static volatile"
-- Numeric parsing
let runParseFloat = parse (spaces >> parseFloat <* eof) ""
checkFloat tag s = verify tag (Right s) $ runParseFloat s
checkFloat "5.01" "38281" -- Integer is a float
checkFloat "5.02" "-2848" -- Negative integer
checkFloat "5.03" "1." -- decimal point without further digits
checkFloat "5.04" "1.001" -- decimal digits
checkFloat "5.05" "-1.9922" -- negative decimal
checkFloat "5.06" "1e100" -- exponent without decimal
checkFloat "5.07" "1e-99" -- negative exponent
checkFloat "5.08" "-1e-99" -- negative with negative exponent
checkFloat "5.09" "1.332e33" -- decimals and exponent
checkFloat "5.10" "48384.23213e-234" -- larger decimals and exponent
isLeft "5.11" $ runParseFloat "1.-33" -- negative in middle
isLeft "5.12" $ runParseFloat ".1" -- nothing before decimal
-- (though some languages allow ".1" for floats?)
isLeft "5.13" $ runParseFloat "1.33e" -- missing exponent
say = liftIO . putStrLn
correct (k, n) = (k+1, n+1)
incorrect (k, n) = (k, n+1)
sayOk tag = do
modify correct
say $ " OK " ++ tag
sayErr tag expected actual = do
modify incorrect
say $ "ERR " ++ tag ++ ": expected " ++ expected
++ ", got " ++ show actual
isLeft tag (Left _) = sayOk tag
isLeft tag result = sayErr tag "Left" result
isRight tag (Right _) = sayOk tag
isRight tag result = sayErr tag "Right" result
verify = verify' (==)
verify' eq tag expected actual
| eq expected actual = sayOk tag
| otherwise = sayErr tag (show expected) actual
-- End of test driver