Assignment 3


For this assignment, we will create an interpreter for the PicoScript language. It works by reading tokens one at a time, and either pushing them onto the operand stack or invoking some operator. The language specification has been updated in the ‘Library’ section to describe approximately 30 built-in operators.

Start by watching these two videos, which demonstrate the way the lexer and interpreter work together.

  1. Assignment 2 solution [51:10]

  2. Assignment 3 overview [1:15:24]

As you can see, I provided the basic structure of the interpreter. You should get the rest of it working:

  • Implement the operators in the library specification. They will all be methods in the Interpreter class, similar to the ones I did for you: add, mul, def, and dup. However, some of them may require additional facilities in the Value class and elsewhere.

  • For example, the section on relational operators describes Boolean values, which I did not support yet. You will need to add a new Value type BOOL and a matching field and constructor. Then update the toString method to print Booleans.

  • Each operator defined in the library specification comes with a series of examples of its usage. Those examples are also unit tests in the classes that end with Operators, such as ArithmeticOperators and StackOperators.

  • Finally, try defining one or more of these procedures in PicoScript (not in Java):

    • pow should calculate integer powers. For example:

      2 8 pow    % [256]
      5 6 pow    % [15625]
      7 15 pow    % [4747561509943]
    • fact should calculate the factorial function – the product of all integers between 1 and \(N\).

      5 fact    % [120]
      10 fact    % [3628800]
      42 fact    % [1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000]
    • fibs should generate a list of the first \(N\) Fibonacci numbers on the stack. For example:

      5 fibs    % [1,1,2,3,5]
      10 fibs   % [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]
      30 fibs   % [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,
                %  2584,4181,6765,10946,17711,28657,46368,75025,121393,
                %  196418,317811,514229,832040]
    • fillstr should take the ASCII/Unicode value of a character, and generate a string in which it is repeated \(N\) times. For example:

      46 10 fillstr    % [..........]
      36 4 fillstr    % [$$$$]

      The 46 is the ASCII value of the dot ‘.’ and 36 is the dollar sign ‘$’.

    To submit any of these PicoScript definitions, save them into your assn3 directory using the operator name and the extension .ps – for example, could contain:

    /fillstr {  % My procedure definition
      BLAH BLAH % Your code goes here
    } def
    % And then some test cases
    46 10 fillstr
    36 4 fillstr

    Then if you paste the above into the interactive interpreter, it should show the resulting stack as:

    [.........., $$$$]