Assignment 2


For this assignment, you will code a lexical analyzer for the PicoScript language. You can use my lexdemo project as an example. I have also provided a template project for you to use in the assn2 project — it defines the Token class (which you shouldn’t need to change), LexError for reporting lexical errors, a LexerTest which is full of test cases, and the skeleton of the Lexer class.

(If you already cloned the cs664pub repository, you can use VCS » Update Project or git pull from the command line to download the latest changes.)

Like the list language in lexdemo, PicoScript is \(LL(1)\). This means we need only one character of look-ahead to decide which token to produce. The pieces in Lexer that are missing are marked with // TODO comments. The bulk of it is in nextToken, but you can also add code to consume to update the line and column counters. For most tests, we don’t care about tracking the positions of tokens, but there are a few tests that verify positions explicitly. You are welcome to add additional methods, similar to how we used scanInteger in the lexdemo lexer.

In both lexdemo and the assn2 template, there is a main method in the lexer class that accepts strings on the standard input. Here is a sample run of my solution, where I typed only the line that begins with /square – the rest is output by the program.

Patiently awaiting your code (^D or ^Z to end)
/square{dup mul}def

To submit your program, make sure the files in your assn2 directory are added to Git VCS, then commit and push.


You can just copy the entire assn2 directory from the project template into your own Git working directory, and use it as a starting point. Either run the Lexer class to try it interactively, or run LexerTest to apply all the test cases.

To understand a little more concretely what it has to do, let’s break down the demonstration block shown above. The PicoScript program /square{dup mul}def is passed to new Lexer() as a StringReader, so we can read one character at a time using (That part is already provided — see the Lexer.consume method.)

Then, the main program calls Lexer.nextToken repeatedly. Each time, it returns the next token in the program, which produces the list in the example above. So let’s examine the first one. The first character in lookahead is the slash ‘/’ from the input string. We know that the slash indicates the start of a symbol. So you consume and buffer any remaining characters until you see something that cannot be part of an identifier, like a space, parentheses, curly braces, or EOF. And then you can return

    return new Token(Token.Type.SYM, buffer.toString());

as the first token. It’s exactly the same procedure as scanIdentifier in the lexdemo project.

Now the next time nextToken is called, the lookahead character will be the left brace. So you just

    return new Token(Token.Type.LBRACE);

The third time nextToken is called, the lookahead character will be the letter ‘d’ from dup. Any alphabetic character starts an operator. Consume and buffer remaining characters until you see something that cannot be part of an identifier (sound familiar? again, just like scanIdentifier in the lexdemo project). And the third token will be

    return new Token(Token.Type.OP, buffer.toString());

These three pieces I’ve stepped through correspond to the first three lines of output:


That output also shows the line and column numbers, but don’t worry about that until all the different token types are working. So really at this point your output would just not include the line and column numbers:


Now what is the lookahead character? Following the dup in my program is a space. So when the lookahead is a space, you should consume it, ignore it, and check the next character. Now the lookahead is ‘m’ which is alphabetic, so will be an operator again.

Because PicoScript is LL(1), one character is enough to determine what token type we’ll output:

  • Slash indicates a symbol
  • Alphabetic → operator
  • Digit → integer
  • Left brace
  • Right brace
  • Percent sign for comment (ignored)
  • White space is ignored